Monday, March 10, 2008

Whats new....

Well, Jeremy should know in about two days if he got he transfer to Morristown which will save BIG on gas! Not to mention stress @ work. Other than that he is doing fine, loving the fact of finding things to out here. Mkah has been busy with school, having a yard to play in and meeting with speech counselors. Rose Has put off work for now because the store was so slow the couldn't work her but 12 hours a week and that didn't pay the gas. On the other hand She has two hospitals now tyring to recruit her. She's not sure if she is going to wait until the semester of school is over or until she meets with her doctor because he wants her possibly to have lapriscopic surgery. We sure do miss everyone.

This is one of our friends Roudy. There is also Maggy and Fancy. We feed them apples every night. Mikah just loves 'em.